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12th October 2003RDVC threads - frozen screen problems
By Peter Ewart
No idea whether anyone can help on this but over the last few days or so I've experienced problems with the site.

In some threads I find I get a frozen screen when reading anything at length or posting something. I'm not getting this on any other site.

Anyone else having same problem? If not, any ideas? Cause or solution? Thanks for any help anyone can give. Must be brief - expecting a frozen screen any moment!

13th October 2003Alan Critchley
I would be interested if anyone else is having the same problem. Peter, who does the technical side of the site is away this week. I'll get him to check it out when he returns.

13th October 2003Peter Ewart
Many thanks, Alan. I'm assuming it'll be my problem alone, but I live in hope. Not being a computer buff (altho' as fully protected as possible on the virus side of things) I'm rather baffled.

14th October 2003David
I have noticed that the site seems to duplicate entries on occasion, but whether this is related I don't know.

20th October 2003sally
Interested that others have some problems - thought it was only me !
I also always have a problem printing pages for hard copy reference - It always cuts off right edge of script.
Doesn't happen with any other web page.
21st October 2003Peter Critchley
Hi there,

I'll look into the hangups within the discussion forum, it's certainly feasible that the database is running a bit slow (there's quite a few threads in there now.. :-) ). Should be able to sort something out soon.. Sorry for the problems people may be having - It's a bit of a runaway success, and it's proving a healthy challenge to keep on top of! :-)

As for the printing problems, that's as much down to poor original design as anything - When I first set out the templates for the site, I didn't consider the width when printing, as it's fixed. Many other sites use a variable width, which makes printing simple. This can be remedied, but for now, I can only suggest that you print in landscape format (If you go to page setup in your 'File' menu in internet explorer, you can change the orientation there)..

Still working on a number of sides of the site - Sorry it's taking a bit longer than I anticipated, but I'll deal with these more immediate problems asap.

All the best,

Peter (the techie.. hehe)
22nd October 2003sally
Thanks Peter - will try the landscape format in future - don't envy you your job !
9th November 2003Tony Weston

Instead of printing in landscape format you could select with your mouse the section you wish to print (Place the cursor at the start of the section. Hold down the left button and slide the mouse to the end. Copy it to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl C. Open your word processor and paste in your selection with Ctrl V.

You may then edit the text before printing.

This is definitely not the only website that is too wide for printing!
