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12th March 2004Ideas wanted for AZW paintings
By Nigel Cole
I'm an artist working primarily in oils on canvas and I've been looking to do an AZW piece for some time now. As Isandhlwana and Rorke's Drift have been pretty much done to death are there any other specific incidents/actions that you well informed lot out there would like to see as a painting?
12th March 2004Julian Whybra
How about the Border Horse being caught on Ityenka Nek or the mad scramble across the river at iNtombe?
12th March 2004Mike McCabe
What about a landscape showing tropps and wagons crossing the very elaborate combination of bridges and ferries at the Lower Drift of the Thukela near Fort Perason. Several engravings, photographs and design diagrams still survive. Plenty of scope for colour, striking composition, and variety.

12th March 2004Erich Wagner
Dear Nigel,
How about a painting of a London streetscene depicting the morning of Feb 12, in which Londoner's are reading and reacting to the news of Isandhlwana from the Graphic and the Times. Something that shook England as nothing had since the news of the Indian Mutiny.
Please let us know if you get a website. Sincerely,
12th March 2004Peter Ewart

The chaotic & rain-washed preparations at Helpmekaar - plenty of different coloured & mud-spattered uniforms, tents, horses, native manpower & perhaps views over Zululand?

Or the extremely colourful scene of Smith's impressive Sunday service up at Helpmekaar close to the New Year. I think there's a Natal newspaper account of this in the Red Book.

Or Booth's rallying of that pocket of 80th men in the organised withdrawal from Intombi, almost back to back?

Although Isandlwana-related, which you wanted to avoid, what about the over-running of the rocket battery? Plenty of action, colour, movement, views up towards the notch, etc.

Or a (nocturnal) rear view of officers and men among the debris of the saddle, all looking towards the distant red sky outlining Shiyane on the horizon (22/23rd).

Chard chatting to Durnford (& retinue) on the road between RD & Isandlwana on morning of 22nd - plenty of scope for accompanying men, transport wagons & distant horizons.

Cetshwayo discoursing with - or dictating another desperate message in vain to - Cornelius Vijn, surrounded by the buildings of the royal homestead at Ulundi.

Smith-Dorrien tying up the man's arm with a tourniquet at FD just before the Zulus pounced.

Chelmsford in despair in his tent on the news of the death ofthe P/Imp.

Buller & his party's narrow escape in the ambush of the 3rd Jly.

The 58th playing their cricket match in the July with impromptu gear - see Red Book again. That would be the "piece de resistance"!

13th March 2004Nigel Cole
Thanks for all the great replies so far - keep 'em coming guys! So far I have to say the 58th's cricket match sounds like a very interesting one, and I'm also going to sketch up some prelim work for Coker and the gatling gun at Nyezane which I was already considering (if anybody can point me in the direction of some reference material for that one I'd appreciate it. I have an extensive AZW library but I need more visuals!! Does anybody know of or have access to photos of the knoll where the gattling was placed??)
15th March 2004Simon Copley
What about 1) Captain Moriarty at Ntombi Drift
2) the discovery of the mutilated trooper's body just before Ulundi
3) the death of the Prince Imperial
4) The scape of the troop of horse across the moonlit plain at Hlobane?
15th March 2004Bill Harris
How about a depiction of the relief of Eshowe? Or Piet Uys trying to save his son at Isandhlwana?
15th March 2004Bill Harris
Oops, I meant to say Hlobane.

Sorry about that.
16th March 2004Neil Aspinshaw
What about the capture of the zulu utibi boy as he fell into the square at Ginginlovu?