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5th May 2004North Wall
By Dennis Lucas
Just watched the film Zulu and wondered why when Chard told Bromhead to reinforce the North wall with 1 section in 3,Bromhead then gave the order for every other man from sections 1, 3 and 5 to go to the North wall - surly the order for every third man to go would have kept the South wall more evenly spaced
5th May 2004Mike McCabe
Direction keeping in Rorke's Drift narratives (real or fictional) is often awry. Part of the problem is that the Chard sketch of the defensive layout is drawn/printed with the longest axis parallel to the longest edge of the paper. This can create an impression that it runs East -West, even though his (not very accurate) 'North' arrow, indicates that not to be so. On modern, gridded survey maps, the long axis of the buildings is approximately NNE to SSW. So, the tip of the hospital is effectively the South wall, and the short stretch near the 'well built kraal' is the North.