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19th July 2003Zulu Royalty in a Film?
By Dylan
I recently watched the 1985 film version of "King Solomon's Mines," starring Richard Chamberlain. Not the best version. Anyway, I noticed in the credits that Gagool, the witchdoctress, was played by one June Buthelezi. If memory serves, Buthelezi is a name found often in the Zulu royal family. For instance, Cheif Ghasta Buthelezi was thanked in the "Zulu Dawn" credits for his cooperation, and Prince Mangosothu Buthelezi wrote the intro to Lock & Quantrill's excellent book. I wondered if perhaps June could be a relation. I do know the film was shot entirely on location in southern Africa, mostly Zimbabwe, but possibly South Africa too. Mr. John Young seems to be a personal friend of the royal family, and if anyone else knows anything about this I'd like to find out. Thanks, Dylan.

Also there's another connection: Ken Gampu, who played Umbopo in "King Solomon's Mines", also played the Zulu middle-man Mantshonga in "Zulu Dawn" 10 years earlier!
24th July 2003Sheldon Hall
I don't know about June, but Chief Gatsha Buthelezi and Prince Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi are one and the same. He also, of course, played Cetewayo in ZULU.